• Places You Must Visit When in London

    Buckingham Palace

    London is a beautiful place and it has so much to offer that you will probably find it difficult to shortlist only a few places. Especially when you are a visitor, you are either on a tight budget or a tight schedule or both. So, here is a list of places that you must visit in London:

    • Westminster Abbey:

    Westminster Abbey is known for the grand events that took place here thousands of years ago. It reminds us of the royalty it is known for. Even Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton were married here.

    • The Tower of London:

    The Tower of London was the queen’s palace and fortress. It is filled with emotions and places that depict the historic events that made William the Conqueror build it. Converted into a prison later on, the prisons can still be seen today too. The Tower is still a symbol of royal residency.

    • The London Royal Air force Museum:

    It is commonly called the RAF Museum. In this museum, five huge building are only dedicated to the history of aviation and the air force. There are a lot of aircrafts and engines on display that are worth watching. It gives a sense of pride to many people.

    • Kelvedon Hatch Nuclear Bunker:

    It is a large bunker that is underground and it served as the government headquarters during the time of war. From 1992, it has been open to tourists and photographers and the general public as well. It mainly focuses on the history of the old war.

    • The Buckingham Palace:

    The Buckingham Palace was the residence of the monarchs. It is now known for its royalty and its hospitality when it comes to social and political events. It is a place where national rejoice takes place at times of such importance. It was known as the Buckingham House earlier but then was later changed to the Buckingham Palace.

    • Paul’s Cathedral:

    This cathedral is the most beautiful and the most recognisable sights of London. It is at a height of 365 feet and rules the skyline. It is known for conducting events of extreme importance from the historical point of view such as the funerals of Winston Churchill and the Duke of Wellington, jubilee celebrations of Queen Victoria, peace events marking the end of World Wars, weddings of Prince Charles, Lady Diana and many other events.

    • The Palace of Westminster:

    It is the parliament house of London where both the Houses of Parliament – House of Commons and the House of Lords – meet. The exterior of the Place has a clock tower known as ‘Big Ben’ and it is one of the most visited places in the world. No tourist or citizen is allowed inside the Palace. However, the citizens of UK can get access from an MP and get a tour of about an hour for free.

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